Saturday, 31 July 2010

A/W 2010 must have!

The Aviator jacket...presently sold out at Topshop and running low on stocks on, however Topshop bloggers have informed me that it shall be back on their website soon!

This item shall leave any wearers warm and comfortable...also extremely stylish! If you can afford it, I would urge you go to and get yourself one of these...soon before they run out of stock...yet again.

Henry Holland

Henry Holland is usually spotted with the stars in London and New York. This however may be the reason that his designs are so fresh and unique. Not many other designers and creating the look that he is..slightly like Andy Warhol, he is thinking outside of the box..


It seems that a certain Mui Mui Fall 2010 collection dress has made it on to many Fashion Magazine covers... bad planning on Vogue and Elle UK's part. Better luck nest issue...